Entertainment center opening...what size TV fits?


Howdy all,

I bought a new 2014 Trail Runner 31 QBBH sight unseen and will be taking delivery within a week or so. My question is this: will the 28.5" wide opening in the entertainment center cabinet accommodate a 32" LCD, which all modern models seem to have a 29.1" (since when do we measure inches in tenths?) width? Is the design intent to have a small amount of cabinet/bezel overlap to keep the TV secure? I've attached a photo of the cabinet in question.

Thanks in advance for the wisdom!



Moved on to the next thing...
You'll just have to go to the store and measure the TV's until you find one that fits the measured dimensions of the cabinet in your trailer.

I do know that with most of the new LED TV's you can generally get one a little larger than what is called for of the LCD variety.


Founders of SoCal Chapter
Measure how much room is behind the inside cabinet face. If you 2-3" all the way around, you can buy a larger TV. We did the samething in our BH. It works fine to keep the TV in place.