entertainment slide & backside of counter bottom cupboard door accident



We arrived home after a two week trip to pick up the new BH 3055RL...no problems at all on the road. When we opened the slides to unpack we found that the little cabinet door on the backside of the counters on the bottom by the entertainment center slide had come open on a bumpy interstate and when the slide went out it caught on the cabinet door causing damage to the door and the slide....it looks like a pretty big repair. Has anyone else had this happen and will our local Big Horn dealer be able to do the repairs? jjjelm


Well-known member
This has happened every time I have towed the rig... I guess it's something I have to look for befor I move the slide out:( .


That is one of the things I check before I push the button to run the slides out. I lean over the counter just to take a look and check to make sure that door is closed. I also learned the hard way on another trailer that had a door in the same situation, but a different brand. Good luck on repairs to door and check to make sure frame and facings of slide are not damaged to the extent you will not get a seal.


Well-known member
Not sure this is relevant but, if all manufactures would put the same latches on the cabinets as Lance and Eagle Cap Truck campers do there would be none of these posts. You have to push a button on the edge of the door to unlatch them. Impossible to open by themselves!


Well-known member
Do you know where to buy them or can you post a picture? Don't think I've ever seen them. We had a HR pickup camper years ago but it didn't have what you are descriping. Thanks,


Well-known member
Sorry no pixs. You might check their web sites, but I don't remember seeing them pictured. The doors are made special for the latch because it is set in flush with the door. Would be pretty hard to do.


I've seen what you are talking about ChopperBill. My parents have those cabinets in their Lance camper. Pretty snazzy. I'll try to get some pictures for the forum.

As a thought, how about using magnetic child locks. When my kids were really young, I used them in the house cabinets. After the simple installation, you use the magnet to unlatch the cabinet. When you are at your final destination, you can disengage the magnetic lock (flip of a small lever) which allows you to use the cabinet normally then engage when beginning travel. Sounds good in theory, anyway.

Personally, I have more problem with the drawers opening than the cabinets.
