EVENT: Dealer Open House: TX, Donna - 2/8/2017 to 2/8/2017

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Legendary Member


  • From: 2/8/2017 to: 2/8/2017
  • Number of sites held:
  • Register by end of day 2/7/2017
  • Site fee: $ per night.
  • Club Member Event fee:
  • Non-Club Member fee:
  • Potluck:
  • Potluck date:
  • Potluck time:


Additional Info:
I believe that this will be our 9th or 10th Dealer Open House in Donna. If you will be in or near Donna TX on February 8th from 11am 'til 1pm, come by for a free hot dog or hamburger and check out some new trailers, browse their inventory of parts - for a discount- and have a good time visiting with friends in the Rio Grande Valley.

Bring a friend from your park for a free meal and some good fun.


Well-known member
Nancy and I will be there.

For all our Heartland friends coming to this event, in addition to coming to this event with your Heartland friends, I'd like to encourage you to invite one or more non-Heartland 5th wheel owners you know or have met there in the RGV. Let's fill this place up like never before!
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