- Benchmark RV Park
- 6420 Dale Dr.
- Marion, MS 39342
- 601-483-7999
- Pets ok?: Yes
- Golf carts allowed?: Yes
- Golf Cart restrictions?: none
- Golf Cart fees?: none
- From: 4/12/2019 to: 4/14/2019
- Number of sites held: 20
- Register by end of day 3/31/2019
- Site fee: $25.00 per night.
- Club Member Event fee: none
- Non-Heartland Brand fee: $20.00
- Potluck: Yes
- Potluck time: 5:30
- Event Leader: rbspitz(click to contact)
Additional Info:
NOTE: T shirts are available for this rally. Please submit you sizes by March 1st to get yours. If I already contacted you via text and have your sizes, no need to resubmit. Text your name and sizes needed to 601-462-4835. Again make sure to include your name in the text. The price will be $8.00 per shirt, any size. More Details to follow...Thanks.
Agenda is coming soon. Bring your appetite for a dinner out at a MS fish house restaurant. Good stuff ya'll.
Attendee List: Arrival Date
1-Randy & Brenda Spitzkeit 4/11
2-James & Rhonda Brown 4/11
3-Nathan & Byrd Mathis 4/11
4-Jerry & Lily Worth 4/11
5-Ricky & Rachel Lester 4/11
6-Paul & Sheila Blackford 4/11
7-Bob & Barb Mansolino 4/12
8-Clay & Candy Hudson 4/11
9- Eric & Dorothy VanOpstal 4/11
10-Melba King 4/5
11-Craig & Connie Zinter 4/11
12- Mike & Nance Nilson 4/11
13 - Joe & Linda Shejbal 4/10
14 - Dennis & Jackie Knight 4/6
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