It's Sunday morning and although John and I have to head home today we know some of you are staying until tomorrow. We hope you continue to have a good time as we close this rally season on a great note.
Special thanks go to Ed and Irene. They allowed us to help just a bit but were on a single handed mission to make sure we had enough to eat and lots of laughs. We did! You both deserve recognition for your energy and drive to make sure attendees were taken care of! Congrats on a very successful first rally!
Thanks to Crossroads Trailers Sales for a super Italian meal! Dina and her team were here to help us serve and we truly appreciate her close association and support of the Owners Club.
Thanks to all who made the trip to support the NJ Chapter.
Lastly, the biggest congratulations of all go out to the proud parents of Penny! Penny was one of the dogs brought out by the animal shelter and was adopted by Ed and Irene. I am sure she will enjoy her new home and we'll be seeing her around camp in the future!