Nevada Chapter Leader
- nevada south rally
- 5870 homestead rd
- pahrump, NV 89048
- Floyd Philbrook 702-449-0692
- www.lakesidecasinopahrump.com
- Pets ok?: Yes
- Golf carts allowed?: No
- Golf Cart restrictions?:
- Golf Cart fees?:
- From: 10/18/2018 to: 10/21/2018
- Number of sites held: 30
- Register by end of day 9/17/2018
- Site fee: $45.00 per night.
- Club Member Event fee: 0
- Non-Heartland Brand fee: 20
- Potluck: Yes
- Potluck date: October 19
- Potluck time: 5 pm
- Event Leader: FLOYD PHILBROOK(click to contact)
Additional Info:
We will have a meet and greet on Thursday with chile dogs and all the fixings.
The pot luck will be on Friday night.
We will have a raffle on friday night every rig to bring unwrapped gift for raffle.
You can use passport americia for three days for half price.
The first 10 on list bring dessert and the rest bring a side dish for Friday pot luck.
There will be a raffle on Friday please bring a unwrapped gift $10 to 15 range.
HOC will provide pulled pork and tri tip for pot luck.
I will post the site numbers I have. You need to pick a site and call the park (775-751-7770) and make you reservation. Tell them you are with heartland owners club. After you make your reservation please post or let me know.
1Floyd&Carol 73
2Jerry&Karen 69
3Scott&Gale 70
4Wayne 71
5William&Mary 72
6Len&Sue 81
7Larry&Liz 82
8George&Nona 98 cancelled
9 Tom connolly 86
10Jerrod&Rhonda 75
11Mike&Edythe 84
12Anothy&Linda74 cancelled
13Rick&Karron 59
14Roger&Judy 80
15Dan&Terri 83 cancelled
17Kirk&Becky 68
18Brian&Brianna 89
19 Carl&Sylvaine65 cancelled
20 Ed Otterman 77
21 Shawn&Murielle 88
22 Roy 87
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