Retired Colorado Chapter Leaders
- Cherry Creek State Park
- 4201 S Parker Rd
- Aurora, CO 80014
- 303) 690-1166" target="_blank" class="link link--external" rel="nofollow ugc noopener">(303) 690-1166
- Pets ok?: Yes
- Golf carts allowed?:
- Golf Cart restrictions?:
- Golf Cart fees?:
- From: 4/27/2018 to: 4/29/2018
- Number of sites held: Reserve your own
- Register by end of day 4/26/2018
- Site fee: fees set by state. per night.
- Club Member Event fee:
- Non-Club Member fee:
- Potluck: No
- Potluck date:
- Potluck time:
- Event Leader: gwalter(click to contact)
Additional Info:
The 6 month window for making reservations is in November, giving those interested time to get a site. You can pick any site available but in the past we have used "Pioneer Loop" as the preferred one (full hookups).You can also come earlier & stay later than the April 27-29 dates. This is a good chance to do a shakedown camping trip to get ready for the 2018 season. The New Mexico Rally in Albuquerque is the next week, May 3-6, and sites are still available.
Linda and I may not be able to attend as this is the due date for our daughter’s baby. Don & Monica are going to be there and are experienced with campouts!
Don & Monica 54
Tom & Carla 50
Paul & Ayran. 045
Lou & Marilyn 041
Ronn & Sarah 56
Bill & Deanna 43
Derald & Sue 52
Patti & Bobbi 58
Tom & Michelle 60
Tom & Sharon
Marty & Pam 138 HD
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