EVENT: Heartland Owners Meet-n-Greet: WI, Hubertus - 2/17/2013 to 2/17/2013

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Founding Wisconsin Chapter Leader-Retired


  • From: 2/17/2013 to: 2/17/2013
  • Club Member Event fee: $18 person gratuity included, $16 per person gratuity included for seniors 62+
  • DINE AT 12:30

  • Event Leader: tweber(click to contact)

Additional Info:
1. Tom/Gerry Weber
2. Bob/Lynn Schmid
3. JerryJaci Volden
4. Peter/Merrie Gott
Bruce/Rosemary Bishop
6. Jim/Jan Quella
Steve/Carrie Strobel
8. Special Surprise Guest

It is time for the annual WI Chapter HOC Winter Meet & Greet. Join us for a great time and a super brunch at the fabulous Fox & Hounds Restaurant, Hubertus, WI. www.foxandhoundsrestaurant.com

DINE AT 12:30

Cost is $18 per person - gratuity included , or $16 per person - gratuity included for seniors 62+

To make reservations, email Tom/Gerry Weber, WI Chapter Leaders, tank67tommy@gmail.com, by February 12.
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Founding Wisconsin Chapter Leader-Retired
The 2013 WI Chapter Winter Meet & Greet is history, and it was great food, great stories, and a great time. Recognition for traveling the greatest distance goes to Paul Alfano (alf). Alf drove all the way from Newman, GA. Second in line for traveling from a long way off were Steve & Carrie Stroebel (sjs731). They came from Kronenwetter, WI. Who ever thought that Reg & Nancy Hromek (convert) were the only Heartland Owners Club members in Kronenwetter, WI were wrong, or are Reg and Nancy really from Mosinee? By the way, anyone know where Kronenwetter is located? Thanks for joining us Steve & Carrie at your first chapter event, and we look forward to seeing you at other activities. Thanks again to everyone that joined Gerry & me at Fox & Hounds. We look forward to seeing everyone at the Heartland rally in June and the WI rally in August.
Happy camping & safe travels to all,
Tom & Jerry


thanks Tom, we had a great time.it was great to see everyone again, good food and conversation. count down to the rally in june, lets hope for great weather and all the snow birds will be back. merrie and peter
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