- Second Annual Pacific Regional Rally
- 325 Quintioosa Blvd
- Canyonville, OR 97417
- Seven Feathers Rv 1-877-839-3599
- Pets ok?: Yes
- Pet Fee: $
- WiFi available:
- WiFi Fee: $
- From: 8/10/2012 to: 8/12/2012
- Number of sites held: 60
- Site fee: $31.00 per night.
- Club Member Event fee:
- Non-Club Member fee:
- Potluck: NO
- Potluck date:
- Potluck time:
- Event Leader: jdawson(click to contact) 831-440-9268
Additional Info:
1. Friday night there will be a dinner at the BBQ area put on by Guaranty RV. There will be hamburgers and hot dogs. Please bring your own drinks.
2. Saturday night there will be a catered dinner at the Casino.
For registration:
Please select the attachment below and print the form. Fill out your information, date of arrival, date of departure and complete address and phone number. Please send the form and a check for $31.00 for deposit to:
John Dawson
225 Mount Hermon Rd #52
Scotts valley CA 95066
Phone # 831-440-9268 for questions.
Please do not contact the park for reservations. If you have already contacted the park, let me know so I can ensure that they have the proper group and rates.
Thank You.
Guest Regester:
1. John and Lori Dawson Confirmed 8/6--8/14 jdawson Space # 104
2. Mark and Kristy Carlson Confirmed 8/9--8/13 Ziggy Space # 81
3. PJ and Karol McGuire Confirmed 8/8--8/13 Gaffer Space # 95
4. Art and Teresa Mitchell Confirmed 8/5--8/14 TessaM Space # 84
5. Fred and Gloria Dickey Confirmed 8/9--8/13 Mr.D Space # 112
6. Steve and Analyn Herrick Confirmed 8/9--9/12SJH Space # 86
7. Dean and Jodi Madison Confirmed 8/10--8/13 shovelguy Space # 90
8. Chuck and Donna Hale Confirmed 8/5--8/13 LTZ Space # 83
9. David and Patricia Hole Confirmed 8/9--8/14 shelsay Space # 122
10. Al and Donna Larson Confirmed 8/9--8/13 Big Al and Donna Space # 114
11. Bruce and Barbra Inselman Confirmed 8/9-8/13 Heartland owner Space # 89
12. Jack and Irma Bass Confirmed 8/9--8/13 Jack P Bass Space # 88
13. Gary and Diana Rodman Confirmed 8/9--8/12 Heartland owner Space # 117
14. Michael and Nancy Hunter Confirmed 8/9--8/12 mshunter51 Space # 108
15. Wayne and Barbara Smith Confirmed 8/10-8/13 Heartland owner Space # 109
16. Dick and Diana Garcia Confirmed 8/10--8/13 Heartland owner Space # 118
17. Doug and Carol Milender Confirmed 8/6--8/13 Heartland owner Space # 111
18. John and Deb Kramer Confirmed 8/6--8/13 JDfishing Space # 110
19. Ray and Gail Warness Confirmed 8/9--8/14 bandgwarn Space # 82
20. Jerry and Deb Earls Confirmed 8/9--8/12 DEBJER Space # 116
21. Bob and Bo Sargent Confirmed 8/7--8/14 North Cal Bob Space # 85
22. Dan and Sally Sullivan Confirmed 8/6--8/12 DRS-SLS Space # 79
23. Jack and Bev Reed Confirmed 8/9--8/12 xraisin grower Space # 115
24. Ric and Maria Gonzalez Confirmed 8/9--8/12 Heartland owner Space # 93
25. Keven and Hennie White Confirmed 8/9--8/14 Kevin and Henny Space # 106
26. William Knight confirmed 8/9--8/13 wdk450 Space # 91
27. Zachary and Kelsea Barnett Confirmed 8/10--8/12 ZNK Space # 120
28. Marybeth Laguna Confirmed 8/8--8/13 flamingknitter space # 119
29.Jim and Lucy Reed Confirmed billyjoejimbob Space # 78
30. Dale and Judy Barnard Confirmed 8/9--8/14 dbarnard Space # 107
31. larry and liz Kinney Confirmed 8/9--8/13 larkinstuart Space # 103
32. Rick and Joyce MaronesConfiirmed 8/10--8/13 rickandjoyce Space # 113
33. Bruce and Carol McLaughlin Confirmed 8/9--8/14 manzan Space # 121
34. David Drake and Patricia Perkins Confirmed 8/8--8/13 Space # 80
35. James and Ann Thomas confirmed 8/8--8/13 jat1947 Space # 92
36. Diana Skelte 8/7--8/14 Confirmed 360guygal Space # 87
37. Dennis and Darla Gessler 8/10--8/12 Confirmed dkgessler Space # 77
38. Bob and Carol Hirt8/9--8/12 Confirmed Heartland Owner Space #76
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