EVENT: North American Heartland Rally: IN, Goshen - 6/15/2011 to 6/19/2011

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Well-known member

  • Elkhart County 4H Fairgrounds
  • 17746-D East Monroe Street
  • Goshen, IN 46528
  • 574-533-3247 - for venue info and for reserving early/late days
  • http://www.4hfair.org
  • Pets ok: Yes Fee: $0
  • WiFi available: Yes Fee: $0

  • Rally dates: 6/15/2011 to: 6/19/2011 (4 nights)
  • Number of sites held: 200
  • Site fee: 4 nights camping are included in rally rate. Early/Late days are $27 + tax for FHU per night
  • Club Member Rally fee: $175 per rig and up to 2 people ($50 per person thereafter)
  • Non-Club Member Rally fee: $200 per rig and up to 2 people ($50 per person thereafter)
  • Potluck: Yes Potluck date: 16-Jun Potluck time: tbd

  • Wagon Master: Jim Beletti
  • Email Wagon Master: click to email
  • Phone Club Manager: 336-44MYHOC (69462)
  • Co-Wagon Master: Marv and Karen Osborne (SmokeyBare)

  • Registrations will be taken online only
  • Registration opens for Club Members on or about January 1 (email will be sent to Club Members) < this occurred on 19-Dec
  • Registration opens for non-Club Member Heartland owners on space available basis on or about February 1 <this occurred on 9-Jan
  • Attendees DO NOT need to contact venue "unless" they plan to arrive prior to Wednesday, June 15 and/or plan to leave after Sunday, June 19
  • Registration link: www.regonline.com/2011goshen

Rally FAQs:

  • Q. I live in the area, can I attend the rally without bringing my RV and what would that rate be?
    A. Yes - please plan to attend. Register using the registration link above (when available) and select one of the No RV registration options. The cost will be $75 less without an RV.

  • Q. We're coming in early - any coordinated events/activities going on?
    A. Yes. See the agenda for more details. We are planning an "each pays his own" early arrivals dinner at the Blue Gate in Shipshewana on Tuesday at 5:30 pm

  • Q. What is check-in and check-out time for the Fairgrounds?
    A. We're using noon for both.

  • Q. Will we have specific site numbers assigned to us and if so, when will we know our site number?
    A. Yes - sites will be assigned by the rally team. Preference on sites for a very short window of time will be given to those attendees returning from the 2009 rally here. At the close of that window, the rally team will begin assigning sites. Specific sites requests cannot be honored as it's just too much for us to manage.

  • Q. We are traveling in with a group and would like to be sited together, can this be accommodated?
    A. For very early requests by Chapter Leaders, we will do our best. Groups are getting to the size now though where sufficient contiguous sites may not be able to be accommodated. Get with your Chapter Leader now to advise them of your intention to attend. Chapter Leaders get with the Rally Wagonmaster ASAP with your expected rig counts if you desire contiguous siting

  • Q. We want to come in earlier than Wednesday, day 1 of the rally or stay later than Saturday night, the last night of the rally. Can we do this and what is the cost?
    A. Yes - come in as early and stay as late as you want. If you wish to stay at the Fairgrounds, you will contact and contract with them directly (number above). Note that early and late stays are a function of site availability as determined by the venue. that said, you may or may not get in and if you get in, you may or may not get on your rally site for the early/late days. Not a big worry, but please be aware and be flexible.

  • Q. It's June in the Midwest - it's going to be hot - I NEED 50 amp power to run 2 air conditioners. Will I have 50 amp power?
    A. Maybe. While some of the camp sites we've used in the past are being refurbished and upgraded to 30/50 power, there is no guarantee that all sites will be 50 amp. So please know this up front and carefully consider whether this rally is worth attending if you have 30 amp power.

  • Q. Are the campsites full-hookup (FHU)?
    A. All "planned" sites are FHU. < as of 6-Jan, this is no longer the case as 40 additional sites were added that are 30 amp power and water only (no sewer)

  • Q. Are any of the sites pull-through.
    A. No. They are all back-ins.

  • Q. We've heard the hookups are in the back of the sites, is this true?
    A. Yes - as this is a multi-use facility, camping is only 1 activity that goes on in the areas where we will be camping. To keep sites free of obstructions for other events, all hookups are in fact, in the back of the site. As such, you WILL need longer water and sewer hoses and depending on where your power connects, possibly a longer power cord. I suggest you plan to have 35 feet of water and sewer hose. There is NO camping store or supplies at the venue.

  • Q. Is there cable TV and can I see the southern sky for a satellite dish?
    A. There is no cable TV. And almost all sites are tree/obstruction free with a clear view f the southern sky.

  • Q. I heard or saw on a map that there is a train line nearby. Is this an active line and will the train whistle be heard in the campground.
    A. Yes - the train tracks are at the south edge of the property, the line is active and we will hear the train whistle. That said, during this rally, little time is typically spent at the RV, so the annoyance will not be as bad as it could be, just hanging out at the RV day and night for 4 nights.

  • Q. We want/need to rent a golf cart for the rally. Will there be any to rent.
    A. Maybe - the venue does not have golf carts available, but there is a rental company nearby that we have used in the past. I have am willing to order in extra carts for rentals if there is sufficient interest. Indicate your interest for a rental in this poll (link). You interest there does not constitute a firm commitment. At time of rally registration, you will be able to order and pay for your rental.

Agenda (summarized):
  • Tuesday - June 14th: Shipshewana Day! Tuesday is a pre-rally day. We are suggesting early arrivals consider spending the day in the Shipshewana area, then join for an "each pays his own" dinner at the Blue Gate restaurant in Shipshewana at 5:30 pm
    Potential for a Musical before dinner - click here to learn more and to vote your interest in the poll
  • Wednesday - June 15th (first day of rally)
    - Seminars
    - Dinner on your own
    - Evening Welcome Reception / Agenda Review
  • Thursday - June 16th
    - Seminars
    - Potluck with Catered Chicken
    - Door Prize Giveaway
  • Friday - June 17th
    - Seminars
    - Catered Dinner
    - Entertainment
  • Saturday - June 18th
    - Heartland Factory Tour
    - Luncheon at Heartland
    - Tour of RV/MH (RV Museum)
    - Catered Dinner
    - Entertainment
  • Sunday - June 19th (last day of rally)
    - Farewell Breakfast
    - Church Service after breakfast

Volunteer Opportunities and Commitments:
  • We need you! :)

Additional Info:
Event notice "in process". More info to be added on a continuous basis. Subscribe to this thread for updates.
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Legendary Member
Re: EVENT: Heartland International Rally: IN, Goshen - 6/15/2011 to 6/19/2011

We're coming! Wouldn't miss this one.


Well-known member
Re: EVENT: Heartland International Rally: IN, Goshen - 6/15/2011 to 6/19/2011

Karen and I will be there !! We wouldn't miss the Best Owners Rally going... Heartland Rocks!!!


Southeast Region Director-Retired
Re: EVENT: Heartland International Rally: IN, Goshen - 6/15/2011 to 6/19/2011

can't wait. We have heard such good things about the rally in '09 that we are hopefully planning on being, up or around there, for a week.


Evans & Lana
Re: EVENT: Heartland International Rally: IN, Goshen - 6/15/2011 to 6/19/2011

This is one of the high lights of the year for Lana & I. I sure plan on being there. There is so much to do and so much to learn. I hope we will see all our Heartland friends there!


Well-known member
Re: EVENT: Heartland International Rally: IN, Goshen - 6/15/2011 to 6/19/2011

We'll be there too, then heading to Michigan for a week or so afterward.

Ray LeTourneau

Senior Member - Past Moderator
Re: EVENT: Heartland International Rally: IN, Goshen - 6/15/2011 to 6/19/2011

It's in the plan for 2011. Wouldn't miss it.


Past Heartland Ambassador
Re: EVENT: Heartland International Rally: IN, Goshen - 6/15/2011 to 6/19/2011

Been on our work schedule for MONTHS!! We will be there with bells on...Jim, I'll gladly help with the Vendor set-up again, if you'll have me...can't wait!!!


Well-known member
Re: EVENT: Heartland International Rally: IN, Goshen - 6/15/2011 to 6/19/2011

Been on our work schedule for MONTHS!! We will be there with bells on...Jim, I'll gladly help with the Vendor set-up again, if you'll have me...can't wait!!!

Woo-hoo - thanks Kathy. You're hired! Officially moving the Heartland Marketplace to the east section of the ECCC building where the display coaches were in 2009. The space is a little larger too. I think we can fit another 4 vendor booths there or give those we have, a bit more space. I will be in touch.



Re: EVENT: Heartland International Rally: IN, Goshen - 6/15/2011 to 6/19/2011

George and I are planning on making this our very first rally ever and are really excited about attending. We are anxious to meet all of the great Heartland owners we have been reading threads on this forum from. We have it on the calendar.

Paul & Nan

Well-known member
Re: EVENT: Heartland International Rally: IN, Goshen - 6/15/2011 to 6/19/2011

Jim--Good Lord willing and creek doesn't rise we will be there. Will remember as it falls on my birthday, LOL. Nan PS we will plan to be there at least one day early, will be willing to help however we can. Remember the first rally, and helping.


Well-known member
Re: EVENT: Heartland International Rally: IN, Goshen - 6/15/2011 to 6/19/2011

Hey Heartlanders - are you a Heartland product owner who is considering joining all the fun at the 2011 International Heartland Owners Rally, but you're not yet a Heartland Owners Club member?

Well, you are absolutely welcome to join us! I do want to let you know that if you join the club "before" you register for the rally, you will save $25 on your rally registration. And, if you join the club by the end of 2010, you will save even more. Starting January 1, 2011, the initial club member dues will increase by $10. So now's a good time to beat the change :)

Click here to join the club.

Click here to read about the increase in club dues - effective January 1

Re: EVENT: Heartland International Rally: IN, Goshen - 6/15/2011 to 6/19/2011

Donna and I will be there. We've been looking forward to this rally for 2 years.


Well-known member
Pre-Rally Event: Shipshewana Day

Hey Rally Attendees,

The agenda for the 6th annual International Heartland Owners Rally is coming together!

I have begun a summarized agenda in post #1 of this thread. So check there to see the agenda build over the course of the next several months. I will also be adding a link to a more detailed agenda in the next 60 days or so.

I am excited to announce "Shipshewana Day". This is a day we are planning for those who are arriving to the rally early (Monday or earlier).

As it's an pre-rally event, there will be little structure or organization to it. It is merely a suggestion. But join in if you can.

Here's the suggestion for Shipshewana Day - a pre-rally event:

  • Evening:
    - Dinner at Blue Gate Restaurant at 5:30 pm
    An "each pays his own" dinner - sign-up and payment will be
    made at time of rally registration - up to our capacity of 300
    Tickets can also be purchased in-person from Jim Beletti up to
    Tuesday, June 14.
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Senior Member
Re: EVENT: Heartland International Rally: IN, Goshen - 6/15/2011 to 6/19/2011


One of the interesting things to see is in South Bend not to far away. It is the Studebaker museum. They cover the history of Studebaker ie... how they came to be in South Bend, IN as well as what the brothers did to build the empire to what is was before the demise. There are alot of old cars there as well.



Former Georgia Chapter Leaders
Re: EVENT: Heartland International Rally: IN, Goshen - 6/15/2011 to 6/19/2011

Paul and I cannot wait for this as it will be our first International Rally. We are so looking forward to seeing all of the HOC friends we have met over the last 2 years and making new ones!
Jim...I am always willing to lend a hand if you need volunteers!


North Central Region Directors-Retired
Re: EVENT: Heartland International Rally: IN, Goshen - 6/15/2011 to 6/19/2011

Looking forward to coming to our first international rally especially after attending the Michigan rally and having such a good time. Are you cooking stuffed french toast for everyone Jim?


Well-known member
Re: EVENT: Heartland International Rally: IN, Goshen - 6/15/2011 to 6/19/2011

Well, after much discussion, we have come to the sad decision that we cannot attend the Rally next year. We are going to Italy in the spring and just couldn't figure out how we could do both activities. We are on the calendar for 2012 though. Will be sorry to miss the Goshen affair, but a trip to Italy is calling us!!


Well-known member
Re: EVENT: Heartland International Rally: IN, Goshen - 6/15/2011 to 6/19/2011

Dean and Jodi,

If we have to lose out of your company, losing out to Ital is not bad :)

We vacationed there about 10 years ago. Loved it! Have fun and see you in 2012 in Gillette, WY.



Well-known member
Re: EVENT: Heartland International Rally: IN, Goshen - 6/15/2011 to 6/19/2011

Hi Gerry,

Looking forward to seeing you guys again! Hate to break your heart about breakfast, but sadly, no, I will not be making stuffed French toast for 400 people during the rally :) I am sure Rick J (traveler07) will likely be holding a blue berry pancake breakfast for the MI group at his RV one day. Hoping Bobcat will be making burritos one day at his RV too. I love stopping by people's RVs in the morning on my golf cart to grab a quick bite :)

See you in Goshen!

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