Northeast Region Director-Retired
- 2018 Hershey RV Show
- 550 W. Hersheypark Dr.
- Hershey, PA 17033
- JWalker
- www.prvca.org
- Pets ok?:
- Golf carts allowed?:
- Golf Cart restrictions?:
- Golf Cart fees?:
- From: 9/12/2018 to: 9/16/2018
- Number of sites held:
- Register by end of day 9/1/2018
- Site fee: $ per night.
- Club Member Event fee:
- Non-Club Member fee:
- Potluck: No
- Potluck date:
- Potluck time:
- Event Leader: JWalker(click to contact)
Additional Info:
2018 Hershey RV Show
September 12-16
Once again we will have a Heartland Owners Club booth at the 2018 RV Show in Hershey PA. We are looking for volunteers to help work the booth for a few hours to show our support for Wilkins RV and Heartland. Anyone wishing to Volunteer, please let me know on this thread. Come closer to the time, we will start scheduling.
The HOC booth will be open Friday and Saturday. 9/14-9/15.
Show location-
Giant Center
550 W. Hersheypark Dr.
Hershey, PA, 17033
For those wishing to come and stay for a few days, there are several campgrounds in the area.
Hershey Park Camping Resort
Twin Grove Resort
Harrisburg East Campground
A few members have already booked at the Harrisburg East location. Reasonably priced and about 20 minutes from the show complex.
Jamie & Ginger Walker
Bob & Valerie Dufek
Dave & Krissy Kline
Jim & Colleen Marigliano
Mike & Sharron B
Dawn & Ira Lustgarten
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