I talked with Jamie Justis this morning from Heartland and he told me the information was sent by email, after a few problems in sending it to me.
I checked my email this morning and have received my settlement letter today.
They will pay x number of dollars plus the front graphic package.
All I have to do is sign and return it to them.
The paint code sheets that I was sent, which make no sense to me, will, I was told make sense to a paint shop.
Jamie was on top of it all along, just some missed communications I was told.
I have found a company with a big enough building to do the work.
The settlement will cost me a little out of pocket, but not much.
It was a much better settlement than I expected, after hearing other owners on this forum.
I have heard the front cap is Gelcoat and I have also heard it is painted.
It looks like it is painted to me.
I will be at the Michigan Rally in a couple of weeks, and have some other owners look at it, and tell me what they think.
The bottom line in all this is, Heartland, through Jamie Justis has stepped up to make a correction.
I'm happy with the settlement.