Fireplace glass front fell off


Well-known member
Haven't had that happen yet, but I did notice today that only gravity is holding it down on the hooks and an inch or so of upward movement is enough to take it off. Handy when you need to clean it, not so when, like you experienced, the road is rough and the thing bounces around.

I've been pondering how to secure it, gonna be something with a bungee I suspect. Aside from that I plan on putting shocks on the running gear to keep the beast down a little.

I'll try to remember to post a picture when I figure it out.


Well-known member
On my older Dimplex fireplace the upper part of the glass is secured by a flat metal tab with the top of the tab screwed into the metal frame. This pic of a common hardware part (mending plate) will give an idea:
mending plate.jpg