Purchased a new 2022 Torque 371 from the dealership at the end of March 2023 and on June 2 on our 2nd trip I noticed during setting up that the floor was sagging under where the refrigerator sits. What made me notice was the plastic trim that ties the side wall and floor together at the rear side panel was pushed down and had actually ripped.
I contacted the dealership to set up an appointment to bring it in upon our return. After the trip, I started investigating why the flooring was sagging and the more I looked the more it appeared to be water damage. This puzzled me because, during the time I've owned it, it has not been in the rain till after I discovered the damage. This got me to look into the only thing in that area was the refrigerator and I couldn't see where the drain hose exited. I looked at the installation manual to first see where the drain hose was attached and then in the compartment and found it curled up in the corner.
When I pulled it out I found the end tapped up but was still able to drip a little and the tag attached up high out of sight stated that basically the hose must be routed out of the compartment for proper drainage.
So from the factory, it was not properly installed. I posted on the Facebook group for Torque owners and had a few replies basically good luck getting it covered under warranty and that some had the same thing happen to them and were not covered although more time had elapsed with both. I'm thinking I have had it only for two months so should be a no-brainer that this should be covered but am I wrong?