Formaldehyde toxicity...


Well-known member

I haven't experienced warm weather in our new North Trail yet. I don't know how the formaldehyde odor will be.
When we first bought our Outback, on the first warm day it was baaad. I mean really bad. I mean you simply coudn't stay in it more than a few minutes. The formldehyde would run you out.
They all have some in them. Whatever it takes to ventilate a new trailer should be provided.
For this reason, max air vent covers or something similar should be mandatory on all trailers. I had them installed on ours first thing.
But..that's just Marx proposal and nobody asked me. :)
What does this mean? Are there manufacturers out there who make RV's with high levels of formaldehyde?

Are there any who tout their low levels of formaldehyde?


Founding California Northern Chapter Leader
"The drinking of freshly squeezed Lime juice, or the eating of a fresh lime will also act Homeopathicly as an antagonist of Formaldehyde (like cures like), as listed below, it contains minute quantities of Formic acid."
Well that explains why I've never been bothered by it...:) All the vodka & tonic, Mojitos and other lime based beverages...
Seriously, when we were looking at trailers, they differ greatly in the amount of outgassing. We found the Cardinals the worst, but Keystone was almost as bad. My eyes are sensitive to the stuff and would start burning when we walked in one. We haven't had the same problem with our Heartland, (even in walking in the new show models) but then again, as menitoned before, we have the Maxxair vent covers and leave ours open. I don;'t believe Heartland uses wall insulation with formaldehyde in it? At least that's what I think I read? That would cut down on one of the sources.