I agree with Jon but you do not need to block the front because the screws won't turn and the jacks are stable. I had the same problem and while waiting for a replacement I contacted Venture who makes the part. From them I learned that Heartland is not using their motor but a made in China copy. The people at Venture suspect the motor clucth is not set at the correct specs and is indeed causing the failure. Since then I re-read the Heartland manual and in one section it states run the gear all the way up but later in the book it says not to do this. What I did is run the gear down a bit and then marked the tubes. Now I make sure to never run the tubes all the way up and all is working well. I got a replacement from Venture and carry it with me now, the folks at Venture were very nice and worked with me even though the fail is probably not their fault. My dealer was also very good and Heartland shipped the repalcement to my home to get me going again.