On a Suburban water heater, the 12V DC/Propane operation is independent of the 120V AC operation. So assuming you have shore power, the 120V AC side should still work.
On the 12V DC/Propane operation, failure to
attempt ignition is most likely 1) low or no DC voltage to the water heater. If your furnace works, it's probably not low voltage, but it could be a blown fuse in your main fuse box. If not a blown fuse, it could be a bad wire connection, most likely in the junction box on the inside front corner of the water heater. If there's also a failure on the 120V AC operation, the junction box is a prime suspect. If you can measure 12V DC at the 12V ECO/Thermostat (bottom terminal on the right hand side as shown below), it's probably a bad control board. A failure of the gas solenoid or electrode are low probability. If you have 12V DC at the top of right hand ECO/Thermostat assembly, but not at the bottom, that assembly has failed.
For 12V DC readings, the meter's ground probe must be on a known good ground.
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