Thanks for the comments and Jim M if you ever go into Smoliks when you visit Mathis then I have probably been sitting close by! WD hitch and sway control are part of the package on either model we choose. We have used the same truck but 2008 model to pull a stock trailer weighing about 5500 lbs with animals on board once and that was without WD and sway control and it was hard on the gas (9-10 MPG) and the hills were a high engine revolution good time. Oh, did I mention that it was my wife who drove to Alabama on that trip with a friend. So I know she can handle the road...that trailer was only 16' feet though and going to over 30 feet overall is what has her concerned.
I am hoping that the WD and sway and a well balanced rig will be a lot less effort in the control department. I did follow a rule of thumb I read about which was to take 25% of the tow weight rating of 9400 to obtained a weight not to exceed of 7050 lbs. All North Trails are GWVR of 6900 so I am under that...I imagine Ford's idea of 9400 lbs is you can tow it but don't go fast or far
. The F-150 rating GCWR is 14,900 and if I fully maxed out TV (6900) and TT (6900) that would be 13,800 so I am under that and as I have no intention of maxing them out that weight will be lower and probably more like 13,000 or slighlty lower with the 27RBS. So, if correctly balanced, loaded, and all is right with the world it should work with the 27RBS but why do I feel like "Murphy's Law" is going to apply owner jitters and probably looking at more than I should....too bad you can't borrow the TT for a week. Thanks again folks and hoping to see you on the road soon.