Goodbye my little friend....


SSG Stumpy-VA Terrorist
Sometimes, I think that true kindness would be two for the for the person.

The grief of pet loss can be as great or greater than the loss of a human companion. I still grieve the loss of my cat. We were together 16 years.

You don't own pets they own you...they really pick their may pay the $$ for the animal...but, you can't buy their love. They may live in your house...and that can just mean that they have food and a warm place to live.

Cats are always going up their their owner...and rubbing their faces on yours...that doesn't mean that they love means that they are scent marking you as their own.

Besides, when me and my ex would little girl would go poop in her shoes...I think that just about says it all....true revenge...true love.


Traveling Two
We are sorry for the loss of your good friend. A good friend is always a welcoming sight after a hard day, nothing like it. Hang in there times will get better.