Got one!


Brought home my new North Country 27BHS yesterday!



Southeast Region Director-Retired
Congratulations on your new "home away from home". Love the pics. Enjoy and travel safely :)

Ernie & Lettie

Well-known member
Hope you enjoy your North Country as much as we do ours. Had it for about 14 months now and the wife and I are so glad we got this one , again congrats.


Thanks everyone! We're looking forward to our first trip in May. Wow, that seems like forever! Now that the search is over I need to occupy my mind so I don't go insane waiting.


Active Member
Komika: Am due to accept delivery of my new rig (26 SRL) next Monday. I am sure that I will have tons of questions even with a good briefing at delivery. The last rig I had was an Airstream so I expect much that I learned will not apply. I think I drove that dealer, who was terriffic, crazy by the time I felt 'safe'. As a retired AF pilot I like, and am addicted to, checklists. I am never secure until I have them developed. Also, I often need to feel like I have all contingencies covered in advance.
Hope this site is a useful as the Airstream 'cult' was.


Oh, by the way, that is me in the avatar and that is a 'no swimming' in the foreground ... tell you something?