Active Member
Hi Ya'll
It's been a while since I've been on-line and a lot has happened since I was last on.
Our latest news is that we're planning on "wintering" in Alaska...........
Things have been going well so far with the winterizing until last night when I noticed in the middle of the night that the blower on the furnace has stopped working. I get up early to try and figure out what's going on and I find that we've been disconnected from shore power (not sure for how long) and have been running off of our batteries all night.
I get us re-hooked up (the plug had literally just come unplugged, there's no tension on it to keep it plugged in and the slightest bump unplugs it) and try to get the furnace going, but it's still not blowing. I look for a manual and find only an installation booklet with minimal info.
I checked the fuse for the furnace and then I started trying to FIND the furnace. It's in the crawl space under the shower.
There's a little hole about 1' x 3/4' wide and I can't reach the furnace to take the panel off to take a look inside.
I'm now trying to disassemble the stairs to see if I can get a larger access way but I can't figure out how they're screwed to the floor.
I did read all the posts about all the other problems that ya'll have posted about and I did get a copy of a manual and I did try to take off the access panel on the outside of the rig, but it appears to be "glued" on..............
Anyway, my basic question at this point is how to I get the stairs out so I can get to the furnace?
Any help/ideas/prayer would be appreciated!