Guns, Liberals, Conservatives, and Southern Conservative


Founding Texas-West Chapter Leaders-Retired
We just officially moved to near Eastland, TX which is "The Gateway to West Texas". That's not West Texas to me, West Texas is flat and has no trees. When I tell folks we are from Terrell, they say "oh, East Texas", and I say no, that's past Tyler! It's all relative, y'all!

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Well-known member
I disagree, West Texas has trees, lots of trees. 'Skeet trees. Y'all furriners call them Mesquite trees.


Founding Louisiana Chapter Leaders-Retired
Just like everyone outside of Louisiana thinks we live in swamps and ride our pet alligators. lol. The one that really ticks me off is when they ask if we are near New Orleans and then assume we lost everything to Katrina and we have to remind them we were affected by the other storm Rita and they look at you funny and do the head tilt like a puppy dog.

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Well-known member
"You don't have a "chaw" in your lip or a car up on cinderblocks and old toilet planted with flowers in the front yard - but EVERYONE in the South does." Amazing to hear the stereotype assumptions. Of course, every region has them - people in the West wear Stetsons, are expert horseback riders, can rope anything..... Californians are blonde, wear nothing but board shorts and bikinis, live at the beach......

Amazing how the misconceptions continue, isn't it? But they come in handy - it was great having people underestimate me in my career due to my Southern drawl.


Original Owners Club Member
When I was in the 7th grade (last century and many years ago) we moved from Indianapolis to Texas. I was so disappointed upon arriving to find it looked much like Indianapolis because I thought everyone in Texas had horses, there were oil wells everywhere as well as cowboys. As we travel now we find that one place looks much like another, I mean there is a Wal-Mart, Sams Club, JC Penneys, Walgreens, CVS etc almost everywhere as well as subdivisions, traffic jams and many people. The terrain is different and so are the way people talk.