Happy Birthday Jim B.


Past Heartland Ambassador
Happy Birthday "little" Bro!!! It almost got past me...my internet connection sucks here in hill country...but not quite!!!:D

Wish we could be there celebrating with you...bet the weather is alot nicer than here....it's been raining off and on for days. Southern California would be nice right now....ENJOY!!!


Evans & Lana
Sorry I missed your birthday, Jim B., but I hope you had a great day. Glad you are getting old with me!! I did not want to grow old by my self. LOL Happy Brithday Jim.


Founders of SoCal Chapter
JB, yes to all of the above. From Patty and myself Happy Birthday. We are glad we got to spend this day with you. Bob:D:D


Well-known member
Birthdays spent at home are just another day. But two years running, birthdays spent with the Heartland family at rallies are an event :) I got several cards and a neat tree of cupcakes. Just wish I could have eaten the cupcakes. Sorry Henny.

Thanks all,



Bob and Christina Seaman
Happy Birthday, Jim. Come fly down to the Houston Rally and you can celebrate all over again.

Love, Christina


Well-known member
Happy Birthday Jim; We're in Branson waiting for the party to begin. Hurry up and get your but down here. Happy Birthday !!!!!!!!!!! Patti & Jon