Happy Birthday Jim Beletti


Luv'n Life
Aloha from Kauai. Sorry a little late, but a big Happy Birthday to you and many more.

Funny thing, no RV's over here. Been coming over here for years and have yet to see any.


Well-known member
Wow - just saw this thread. Thanks everyone and thanks Trace for starting it - though I'm not much on birthday celebrations.

Our sub-division had a social yesterday, so I did get some ice cream yesterday :) No cake though.

Paul - we hope to visit you guys in November. Need to test out that pizza oven. Chat with you at the NC rally about timing.

Dan - I hope you and the TX rally group celebrated in my place :)

Not sure if anyone saw it, but the New York rally attendees recorded a video of them singing me happy birthday and put it on Facebook. Too cute and thoughtful as well. What a great bunch of people in our club!

Ian - you got that right. Just yesterday, on my birthday, I sent in my order for a 2015 Landmark 365 Ashland. Hope to have it in early December! Happy Birthday to me!

Terry R - I like your thought - periodic celebrations is well put.

Mike - hanging out with 42 couples in Amana at the rally during Oktoberfest was celebration enough for me and I was able to keep the upcoming birthday under the radar. It was a great time there and my pleasure to hang out with you, Peg and everyone else.

Kathy - you and Ken enjoy that. Can't wait to see you guys again. Maybe see you in Texas in February, if not, then in Goshen in June!

Val - 10-10 - yes! So it wasn't just me that thought October 10, 2010 (10-10-10) was a cool :)

Jim and Melody - thank you for an Aloha birthday wish. Yours is the 3rd from the islands this week. We have another club member couple there now with a recently former club member couple. You should all meet up for a 3 couple RV-less rally! By the way, I saw some rental class Cs there once. Maybe on Maui.

Bob - I may have created the club, but it's selfless leaders like you and Pat that are the backbone of the club. Thank you both and all leaders for all you do for our club members.