Has anyone swapped out furniture for Lambbright?


Active Member
Has anyone swapped out their factory furniture for Lambbright RV furniture? What other brands have used in replacing original furniture?

Which is best for full-timing?



Legendary Member
I have wanted some Lambright furniture for years. I have had them on my Santa list many times but I guess I've been too naughty to rate them.


Well-known member
We replaced our sofa and recliner with their products two years ago and could not be happier. It is quality furniture and will no doubt last longer than we will. If you are able to go to their store to pick it up they will remove your old and install the new. Their furniture is also available at several outlets around the country. We had about a six weeks wait time when we ordered ours. https://lambrightcomfortchairllc.com/
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Texas North Chapter Leaders-retired
We replaced our theater seat with one from Lambright's. We love it! We had planned to replace the couch this year when we went to Goshen. Maybe in two years....


Founding Texas-West Chapter Leaders-Retired
We replaced our theater seat with one from Lambright's. We love it! We had planned to replace the couch this year when we went to Goshen. Maybe in two years....

I need to see that! Ours is due...

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Well-known member
We have new Lambright sofa’s on order as we speak!! Really excited to get really good quality and comfort in our rig. BTW - anything ordered right now will not be ready until August - they are that busy. You can always buy off the showroom floor but for ordering you need to give them lots of lead time