Has the 2018 National Rally been set yet?


We are new members and due to prior commitments will not be able to attend the National Rally. However, we would like to attend next years rally. Is any information on the 2018 National rally available?


Well-known member
Hi Mimi,

Welcome to the Heartland Owners Forum.

The North American Rally is now held every other year, on the odd years. So the next one will be 2019.

They used to be annual, but if held in the east, it was too long a drive for people on the west coast. And if held out west, like last year's Las Vegas rally, it was too long a drive for people on the east coast and in much of Canada.

So during even years, there will be large regional rallies. You can click on the EVENTS tab at top of page to see the list of regional rallies currently on the calendar. If you're in Louisiana, the SE Region Rally in Georgia is going to be closest to you. If your schedule allows, you might also want to get on the wait list for the Mountain Region Rally in Pueblo, CO. Another benefit of regional rallies is they are scheduled at different times, so it's possible to attend more than one.

Hope to see you at one.


Founding Louisiana Chapter Leaders-Retired
Hi Mimi,

Welcome to the Heartland Owners Forum.

The North American Rally is now held every other year, on the odd years. So the next one will be 2019.

They used to be annual, but if held in the east, it was too long a drive for people on the west coast. And if held out west, like last year's Las Vegas rally, it was too long a drive for people on the east coast and in much of Canada.

So during even years, there will be large regional rallies. You can click on the EVENTS tab at top of page to see the list of regional rallies currently on the calendar. If you're in Louisiana, the SE Region Rally in Georgia is going to be closest to you. If your schedule allows, you might also want to get on the wait list for the Mountain Region Rally in Pueblo, CO. Another benefit of regional rallies is they are scheduled at different times, so it's possible to attend more than one.

Hope to see you at one.


Louisiana is south central and is usually in Branson which is closer to us than GA.

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Well-known member
Hi Mimi,

Thank you for your question - it's a really good one :)

Dan Mayer gave an accurate response and I'd like to expand on it just a bit - not just for you but for all HOC (Heartland Owners Club) members who may read this now and down the road.

Since 2006, the Heartland Owners Club has planned and held a National rally for it's US and Canada members. As the Club has grown, with members in all states and provinces, a National rally became very exclusive and depending on where it's held in a given year, difficult for many members to get to.

As our Club is organized into seven geographic regions, and based on the location of our members, we felt it best to begin placing more emphasis on what we call Region rallies. Region rallies, in most cases, will generally be closer to most Club members than a National rally.

As the National rally will continue, but only in the odd numbered years, Club headquarters encourages its Region Directors to hold Region rallies in the even numbered years. Note too that Region Directors are not required to hold a Region rally each even year as they require a significant amount of planning and execution and Region Directors, like Chapter Leaders, are unpaid volunteers and some of them are not retired from their work careers.

This all said, as a Club member, we welcome you to join us at any Chapter or Region rally, and on the odd numbered years, at any National rally.
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Well-known member

Louisiana is south central and is usually in Branson which is closer to us than GA.

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Yep, you're right Andy. The South Central Region Rally will be in Branson in May 2018 and is a bit closer to Louisiana. It'll probably show up on the Events Calendar soon.


Founding Texas-West Chapter Leaders-Retired
It doesn't really matter what region you are in, you can attend any rally!

Due to scheduling, we are headed to the Mountain Regional Rally, even though we live in the South Central. We can't make that one (Branson) this time.

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Well-known member
As of today (27-Apr-2017), here is the "official" list of upcoming Region rallies:

Google ChromeScreenSnapz322.jpg

Is there an "unofficial" list? Sort of. Club HQ maintains a Region Rally planning calendar. The South Central and Northeastern Regions both have 2018 Region rally dates cleared with HQ. When timing is right for them, they will create their rally threads on the forum.


Northeast Region Director-Retired
Give it 4 more days and you'll be adding the NE Region Rally to the list....


Well-known member
Give it 4 more days and you'll be adding the NE Region Rally to the list....

Negative Jamie. You'll be switching to the South Central so you can camp year round without having to winterize. I'm still not sure how to winterize and I don't plan on it.

Of course, y'alls rally was fun. Lyle and Nancy enjoyed us so much they decided to spend the winter down here.


Legendary Member
thanks to all that helped me out. I missed this post, but Mimi, you've been given some good information on the South Central Region rally. It will be formally announced and posted on the forum soon after the National rally in Goshen.

As others said, there will be more chapter rallies in the region this fall and next spring that you can attend if your schedule allows. We'll be looking forward to meeting you.


Well-known member
Hi all! Any chance there'll be another rally out West earlier than summer of 2018 and just hasn't been scheduled yet? Thanks, Jim!


Founding Texas-West Chapter Leaders-Retired
No, there are no longer "away" national rallies. Region Rallies are going to become the focal point during the "even" years. There is a Mountain Region Rally scheduled for June.

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retired Oregon Chapter Leaders
Hi Mimi, welcome and hope one day to see you at a Regional Rally out west here in the Pacific Region. All the rallies are tons of fun and so many great people that soon become family. :rolleyes:


Camp Socializer
Hi all! Any chance there'll be another rally out West earlier than summer of 2018 and just hasn't been scheduled yet? Thanks, Jim!

Jim, there are several rallies scheduled in the west right now. Click on the Events tab near the top of the page. You will find three or four chapter rallies scheduled for this year.