Well-known member
Hi All, this is from Ann Parrish HOC #1158 mine and my husbands user name on the forum is navyAZ1, not sure if this is the proper thread to put this in but here goes! As most of you know at the Heartland International Rallys we have been having a program under Heartland Gives Back, known as Baby Blessings from which we had volunteers knit or buy baby blankets, and various other baby related items to be donated to local charities. Well the program is being expanded to other areas of need. Judy Barnett who heads up the Baby Blessings has announced that we will be asking for donations to a new area of need that will be known as Heartland Hats & Hugs. This program will cover shawls, and chemo caps for those who are receiving cancer treatment, these items will be donated to patients at the local hospitals, and cancer centers. The new program will be headed up by myself, Ann Parrish and I would love to hear from anyone who would be interested in knitting some of these shawls and chemo caps. Since we all have been affected in one way or another by cancer we feel this will be a great program for our next Goshen Rally. The program has gotten off to a great start with one of our HOC members Randy & Brenda Spitzkeit owners of Benchmark RV Park in Meridian, MS who donated $300 to our cause for the purchase of yarn. If you would be interested in either purchasing your own yarn and making the items, or if you would prefer to receive some of the yarn that I purchase with our generous donation that we received, please contact me and let me know your choices. You can PM me here, email me at, or call me at (770) 757-4895. I have been making and donating these shawls, and chemo caps for local area hospitals for a while now and it is really a great way to give back to those in need. Thanks to all in advance.
Ann Parrish
Ann Parrish