Hot Water Heater Leak


Well-known member
OK... now I'm a two time member of this club :(

Some time in the last 6 hours a puddle began to emerge from under the kitchen sink cabinet. It seems to be coming from the hot water heater though I cannot isolate the precise source. It's NOT coming from any of the sink connections.

I snugged the two connections to the HWH again (hand pressure only but firm) and mopped up the water. I have yet to see anything drip... but water still seems to be coming from under the HWH - if I put a paper towel on the floor it ends up soaked in 30 minutes.

At this point I have a cup under the two connections to see if they are dripping straight down (seems no... but) I will keep replacing the paper towel to see if I'm just getting the last of the water slowly coming out from under the HWH or if there is a source of more water.

I only find 4 places to leak on this unit?? Cold in, Hot out, drain (outside) and pressure relief (outside). The rest is hidden by Styrofoam and I cannot see if there's a leak inside? (but it sure looks rusty in there). I hate to cut apart the Styrofoam looking for a leak... but is there anywhere else it can be coming from?

Ray LeTourneau

Senior Member - Past Moderator
Dave, any chance it could be condensation? If it's cold outside and your cabinet is cold inside, it may be condensation. It possibly might form at the edge of the styrofoam liner on the w/h or the hot water out connections. Just a thought.


Well-known member
any chance it could be condensation? If it's cold outside and your cabinet is cold inside, it may be condensation.

Good thought, especially with well water coming in. But in this case I think no.

I was a little quick on my plea for help here - the third paper towel is still dry now and the cup under the connection is dry too. I'm guessing there was some water under the Styrofoam left from the leak and the paper wicked it out. So just a little finger twist on those two connectors did the trick again.

Glad to be dry now. Also glad I must be a little nose down so we saw the puddle right away.