I'm guessing go to your account and sign out?We no longer own a Heartland or even an RV. I would like to delete myself from the forum and delete any threads I created.
Sign out and don't look back..it is the easiest for you and the moderatorsWe no longer own a Heartland or even an RV. I would like to delete myself from the forum and delete any threads I created.
Please delete my account from this forum. My husband and I no longer own a Heartland RV. Thank you.
It would seem to me that any submissions to the forum are freely given to the public forum and no longer the exclusive property of the person making the submission; but now the shared property of the public forum and the original poster.
Do we need language to that effect to protect the forum ?
just wondering here.... why cant one just walk away and let their account "gather cobwebs"..... if no one else can access it, and if the owner isnt using it, what does it matter if its deleted or just setting there not being used any lonnger?
Hi Bill. Not a bad idea. The forum will be moving to a new platform and new webhost yet this year. We'll be sure to address this and other policies as we better learn the capabilities of the new platform.
That said, for this current forum platform (vBulletin), when we delete a user account at the user's request, their username changes to Guest and all of their threads and post replies remain intact, but shown as created by Guest. So right now, content is retained and like you, I prefer it that way.
Thus far, the only variance from this is Spammers. when they slip through, created new threads and post replies, we do delete their content when we ban their user account.
Hi Jim,
Do you mind or can you share what platform the forum is moving to? vBulletin is by far the largest one out there. I do like the new Heartland Corporate website, well done to whom was involved.
We're currently on Xenforo. The migration happened last year. The old platform served well for a long time but eventually had problems and limitations that made Xenforo a better choice going forward.why you are doing this?
I know this is an old thread, but I thought it was important to let EVERYONE know that the posts on this forum do come up in websearches (i.e. Google) on a topic, so they are out there in "internet heaven" indefinitely.just wondering here.... why cant one just walk away and let their account "gather cobwebs"..... if no one else can access it, and if the owner isnt using it, what does it matter if its deleted or just setting there not being used any lonnger?