How long to prime the water lines?


Well-known member
OK, got a chance to poke around behind the UDC. I noticed immediately that there is a red water line (hot water?) connected to a T-fitting that then connects to the vacuum side of the pump. The other hose attached to this T-fitting is a white/clear-ish hose that connects to....nothing. Is that hose supposed to be connected to something?


Well-known member
If you find that filter, that's the input side feeding water into the pump. If you follow that line, you should find a tee fitting. One side of the tee will go to the fresh tank. The other side will go to the antifreeze suction line. The valve you're looking for is between the tee and the suction hose.
Wait, this may be the unconnected hose I located. Shouldn't it have a shutoff value to something? There's a shutoff on the water line connecting to that T-fitting. (See my post above.)


Well-known member
OK, got a chance to poke around behind the UDC. I noticed immediately that there is a red water line (hot water?) connected to a T-fitting that then connects to the vacuum side of the pump. The other hose attached to this T-fitting is a white/clear-ish hose that connects to....nothing. Is that hose supposed to be connected to something?
The white/clear-ish hose that connects to nothing is used to suction antifreeze into the water lines to protect them from freeze damage. Somewhere along that line, before the tee, there should be a valve.

If you can't find the valve, run the pump and hold your thumb over the line that goes nowhere to see if things start working again. If the pump starts working, that hose is the source of the air leak. Then you just have to figure out where the valve is.


Well-known member
Success!! Found the value on the bottom of the hose and is part of the T-fitting. Turned the value, turn on the pump switch, then turned on the faucets. Great pressure even with both sinks operating and flushing the toilet. And the pump turns off immediately after the last faucet was closed. Thanks, everybody! You guys rock.


Well-known member
That's great. Glad you got it fixed. And now if temps drop and you have to winterize, you know where things are.