How to - TV sound into ceiling speakers


Hi all;
Our 32RS is a month old. Watching TV from the antenna reception only plays sound thru the TV speakers, can't seem to make it play thru the JENSEN and ceiling speakers.
Is this normal?



Well-known member
Hi JimnDonna,

Heartland doesn't usually set things up to play the TV audio through the surround sound, so you probably will have to run a cable to connect the audio output of the TV to the audio input of the surround sound. Take a look at the manuals for each device, or look at the back of the devices to see what types of connections are available. Then refer to our owner-written RV Audio Connections Illustrated User Guide to determine how to bridge from one to the other.


Prolifically Gabby Member
Look in the manual for the player. You may find that it won't take external inputs and will only provide surround sound from the DVD or CD you stick in it. Our rig came with a Samsung HT-20 surround sound and there is no way to connect anything to it other than the speaker wires.