Hurricane Sandy


Prolifically Gabby Member
Here's a photo of the early cloud bands that appeared late yesterday afternoon in Myrtle Beach. The storm's still well off shore, but today has been windy and overcast. Fortunately, we head down to Savannah for an overnight tomorrow and then on to Orlando for a week.

The view is from our balcony overlooking the beach.

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Legendary Member
Having gone through many hurricanes, I wish everyone good luck during this late-season storm.


Prolifically Gabby Member
From the news & weather forecasts, they expect the middle of the East Coast to get nailed pretty bad by Sandy combining with some weather coming in from the west.


Well-known member
Although Sandy has the potential to be bigger and more damaging, I remember when Irene came through in 2011. My wife and children were stuck inside the RV for about 36 hours. In the end we were safe - but it gave us the opportunity to play family board games at the table and watch recorded movies. I was nervous about not having a generator (in case of power failure), but the power never went out - nor did we experience anticipated flooding.

The local troopers had gone door-to-door to each trailer - inspecting for loose objects that needed tying down - and advising of emergency routes and shelters. It was a scary time that turned out well.

I wish everybody a safe journey!


Senior Question Asker
Although Sandy has the potential to be bigger and more damaging, I remember when Irene came through in 2011. My wife and children were stuck inside the RV for about 36 hours. In the end we were safe - but it gave us the opportunity to play family board games at the table and watch recorded movies. I was nervous about not having a generator (in case of power failure), but the power never went out - nor did we experience anticipated flooding.

Where were you during Irene?


Prolifically Gabby Member
Well, Sandy's moving north and we're moving south. Left Myrtle Beach this morning and are now near River Street in Savannah for the night. Cloudy/overcast, but dry. On to Orlando tomorrow morning.


Original Owners Club Member
Orlando is fine. We left there this morning and the although we got wind gusts to 40 mph on Friday we did not get any rain. We were staying at Thousand Trails Orlando which is really in Clermont. When we left this morning the wind was at 22 mph no rain. We to US 27 south to Pembroke Pines where we are now. During the drive we had no rain but a constant NW wind of 17 mph. Right now there are some small gusts but the wind is mostly gone. Drive safe.
well sandy has hit and i sure hope this finds everyone safe and no damage done it is a terrible site to see on the news so hopefully all our heartland families made it thru with no problems.


Well-known member
As a testament to how big and how strong Sandy is - I'm on the north shore of Lake Ontario, and we had incredible winds all night and our power went out for 6 hours.


As a testament to how big and how strong Sandy is - I'm on the north shore of Lake Ontario, and we had incredible winds all night and our power went out for 6 hours.

That is really weird!! We (here in Norwich, NY) got some wind & rain, but never lost power or any trees down. But, others a few miles away did. We were very lucky this time!! Hope everyone is safe!


Well-known member
That is really weird!! We (here in Norwich, NY) got some wind & rain, but never lost power or any trees down. But, others a few miles away did. We were very lucky this time!! Hope everyone is safe!

Probably has something to do with those weird circular bands on the radar - if you were caught in one it was vicious, otherwise it could have been relatively mild.