So I have noticed when I am extending my landing gear on my 16 heartland cyclone 4200 that there is 0 issues. Even when its cold cold outside. Maybe a little slow but thats it. Well when I retract the landing gear the hydraulic system will stop several times when its on auto retract. If I hit auto retract the system will start retracting the rear jacks first and during that process you can hear the system almost peak out. At this point it stops retracting for a few seconds then begins again. At some point during the process it will completely stop retracting and I will have to go into Manuel mode to do so. The jacks arnt all the way retraced either. Most of them are about half way up. Even when I just retract the front landing gear only its the same thing. The gear retracts then will stop and if I hit the retract button again all you hear is a click. You have to wait for a few seconds for it kick back in. The longer you wait the longer it will retract.
Ideas and thoughts??
Ideas and thoughts??