I just had what they call the cabbage operation.


Well-known member
Hi Dave. Yes triple plus a couple things in there as well, well i will say not much fun, god must have place for me.Den


Retired Colorado Chapter Leaders
Yes, I had 5 bypass 24 years ago and thought I may not get to see my grandkids grow up. It has been a wonderful time since then.


Well-known member
i feel your pain.gald your good now. now you can get back to enjoying your life again.


Well-known member
Thanks guys I hope to be out of here by Sunday. This hospital here in Las Crues NM treats me very well Tuesday was very tough. indeed I have go walking again today what we take for granted each day yes.



Hope everything goes well for you. We are just down the road from you in El Paso. Let me know if you need anything.


Well-known member
Today's progress a better day thanks to all They pulled out one of the drainage tubes today from the lugs heart soon I am told,do you know that I would never known anything about it if had never visited a tooth surgeon for a extensive root canal. could have gone on my merry way and not known anything at all and gone up to camping up in the sky. Nice to share this with you one gets other people experiences. there are rules one might say to adhere to and not to do.