I know how he felt


Past North Carolina Chapter Leader
We were on our way home yesterday from Myrtle Beach and saw something that brought back a bad memory.We drive on I 95 near Florence,SC for a short distance and on the north bound side off the side of the road we saw a driver kneeling beside the tires of his toy hauler(sob).He was looking at the damage from what I assume was a tread seperation.The fender above the tires was ripped away.I know what he was feeling because I have been there myself.That is not a good way to start or end a vacation. Tire problems can happen to any of us no matter what brand rv we own.


Well-known member
Every time I see tire debris on the road I think to myself "I hope that turned out ok" in an attempt to keep the tire gods happy. I do have G rated tires, but every little thing helps to keep gremlins away.


Tennessee Chapter Leaders
I also experienced that several years ago (sob) and won't soon forget it. I just replaced the tires on my '08 BH with XPS ribs and finally feel confident about getting on he road again.