Impatient to begin!


Well-known member
Congratulations on your order Brad! Let the waiting begin. But the wait will be worth it, getting just what you want.


Hi bradberneche,

Welcome to the Heartland Owners Forum and to the family. We have a great bunch of people here with lots of information and all willing to share their knowledge when needed.

Now the wait begins. While waiting check out the forum and also think of joining the Heartland Owners Club and attending rallies where you will meet other owners and have a great time.

Enjoy the forum.

Jim M


Southeast Region Director-Retired
Congratulations on your new "condo on wheels" and yes - let the wait begins. It's like finding out your expecting - excitement at first, then what do we need and then impatience in that why isn't it here yet. But the wait is well worth it. Let us know when she gets here.


Well-known member
I'm also waiting, and my rig is parked out back.
First outing of the year starts May 2.


Past Washington Chapter Leaders
Congratulations on the new rig! The wait is part of the adventure!

Best Wishes!


Congrats on the new unit!!! We are in the same boat with our new elkridge but the wait for us is finally over it gets delivered on saturday to our lake lot we cant wait!!!