Internet and Cellular

Shortest Straw

Caught In A Mosh
I know this subject has been talked about before but as technology changes and the only thread I can find is a ear old, I am asking again. As we have decided to start doing longer trips, and we both will be working too, I need the best system in our rig for internet. I am sure we will go with the latest and greatest that Verizon has. I am also researching the WIFI Ranger and the Rogue Wave. So if anyone has these items now I am listening. The way I understand things I am going to need the following to be able to run two laptops, one wireless printer, and two phones;

The Ranger or Rogue to a wireless modem, an antenna for the Verizon modem and our phones, and then whatever cable is used to go between the wifi modem and the Verizon modem. Is this correct?

Both of us have to have internet to work. Neither of us require huge downloads as we just mostly create and review documents hosted by the software companies we do business with. We will be sending via e-mail large files. Can anyone give me an idea of how much data we might use in a month?


Well-known member
I have satellite at the S&B with 15G/month and seldom exceed that. That's with 3 users and my business. When traveling I have a Data plan with AT&T with 10G/month shared among 3 phones and have never used all of it. I turn on either my Hotspot or the wifes when we use the internet. We both log in and have no problems. In fact if the Sat gets low at the house I turn on the phone Hotspot and we use it. That $10/G charge for overage is expensive.


Kentucky Chapter Leaders - retired
The AT&T Personal Hotspot off our cell phones has worked fine for us. We've never come close to the 10GB limit


Well-known member
I have a Verizon Jetpack. It connects to the cell network 4G. and provides wi fi to any device you want to connect to it. I usually have two phones, I pad, laptop and a playstation connected to it. Comes with various plans.


Founding Texas-West Chapter Leaders-Retired
I use an AT&T hotspot, (Mifi Liberate) hooked to a Pepwave On The Go. The OTG is a router can use available park wifi or the hotspot. The OTG does not have the wifi range that a Wifi Ranger has, but in my experience, park wifi cannot handle the type of bandwidth I need, so typically I'm using my hotspot.

I also have a Wilson Sleek 4G booster, to boost the hotspot signal if needed. It works well but does get very hot.

In my business (graphic design) I transfer very large files, so when I was forced to use the hotspot exclusively one month, a ran nearly 40GB, which luckily was available that mo. with my 30GB plan + rollover.

I believe 15 GB would be a good place to start, then scale back if you find you're not using it all.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


Well-known member
I have a 15G plan with AT&T that was upgraded for free to 30G with rollover. Never used it all but I have come close. If you start getting close to going over with what ever plan you have you can go on line and increase, to avoid the overage charge. Next month I will have around 55G to play with. I stream Netflix when on the road but they make it pretty easy to monitor usage.


Well-known member
I have a Verizon Jetpack. It connects to the cell network 4G. and provides wi fi to any device you want to connect to it. I usually have two phones, I pad, laptop and a playstation connected to it. Comes with various plans.

I have the same thing, except I have two jetpacks (65 mbps) as I am getting rid of Verizon DSL (54 mbps) and need the second one at the house for my alarm system and son who stays there when we are on the road (early spring thru late fall). I have the six GB plan now and will probably go to the 12. I prefer Verizon as I think they have better coverage in the areas we frequent.


Well-known member
This doesn't have too much to do with data, but for any fellow RVers who want the comprehensive Verizon signal coverage, but not be a Verizon customer; both the Jitterbug phone and prepaid Tracfone (Walmart) have long term contracts to run through the Verizon cell towers system.


Well-known member
In reply to ghettomedic's question, there is an app available (My Data Manager) which is available as a free download. We were in a similar situation and were trying to figure out how much data we would need in a month, but didn't actually know what our consumption was. "My Data Manager" allows us to monitor our data usage in real time, so that we can keep tabs on our data use to date as well as how much individual functions ate up. As it turned out, we did;t need as much data as we thought, so we were able to get by with what we had.