Hello all... wy wife and i just bought a 2009 2900mk fifth wheel. This is my first Heartland, so, are there any issues that i should know about? The dealer(camper world) was NO help to me when i bought it. A man took me around the camper and confessed he knew nothing about Heartlands. Nice.... I have had several fifth wheels in the past so i have a basic knowledge of them. However, as we all know, there are some differences in makes. The owner;s manual is generic, and i'm being kind!!! So, i'm kinda own my own. I've just winterized it and i hope i got all the water lines done!! There are two drain lines on the door side of the camper just in front of the front wheel. One is blue and one is red. When i was pumping antifreeze into the lines, i looked at these lines and opened one and it blew water out at a trmendous pressure! It finally stopped and then the pink antifreeze came out. What are these lines?? I have a drain line on the other side of the camper, but this is the on board water tank. Are they hot and cold lines? Low point drains? Any help is appreciated! Thanks, Jeff