That's a really nice layout! there was a 371 on the lot right next to our 2017 365 leftover that we just picked up Friday. Loved the dining bench/table, and the out door kitchen!
Thank you! Well I pretty much have gone through everything but the roof and honestly the few things that where wrong with it are very minor, nothing I couldn't fix, loose staples or screws that backed out. But being it was driven up from Michigan it's understandable. I am very glad I bought a Heartland. Now if I could just get my truck back with the hitch I could use it once or twice before winter.
Cool - what city was your Heartland dealer in. Wishing you the best with your RV and your move to Texas!I currently live in Wasilla, it's about 45 minutes north of Anchorage. Well I have only recently started paying attention to "Heartland" brands most that I have seen are BH and Sundance. And they are far and few. Most campers I see are TT's by Forrestriver or Keystone. Not to mention next summer I will relocate to Eastern Texas.