UPDATE: Last Thursday, August 7th, 2014 I had surgery called a neck dissection too remove the cancerous node, with some others and part of the left vocal cord nerve which was affected. The surgery was preformed by Dr. Myers, at the Head and Neck Center at the M.D. Anderson Cancer Center in Houston, Tx. I spent the night in the hospital and went home Friday. I had a drain in my neck which was removed on Monday. Dr. Myers told me the surgery was a great success and that he had to peal the node off the Esophagus as the cancer in the node had begun to hug the Esophagus. The vocal cord nerve was damaged partly from the cancerous node and partly from the radiation I had previously to the node.
Right now my voice is very raspy and hoarse sounding. It should get better but it is possible I may have to have surgery down the road to make the voice better. We shall see.
I want to thank everyone for the thoughts and prayers. God is the Master Healer and uses the doctors as tools to help provide us with that healing. Thanks be to God. I will have to go through about 28 radiation treatments in 4-6 weeks, after my body has had time to recover from the surgery. The radiation will also be done at MD Anderson also. They sure work wonders at that Cancer Center.
Thanks again yall are the greatest.