Gary, I put it on my Gateway the same day I picked the Gateway up at the dealer. The service guy talked me into the "head" unit vice the $150 complete Jack antenna...I actually wish I had gotten the complete antenna for two reasons. First everything else on the Gateway is "Black" and the Jack "head" only comes in white. And second, the signal strength meter I think would be extremely handy considering how many times I walk up to the bedroom, adjust the antenna, then go back to the TV and scan channels again, just to do again
The "head" comes with everything to put on a pole (including a power supply for the booster) or to replace the batwing antenna. The "head" does NOT have a signal strength meter like the full Jack antenna.
I will probably end up getting the "black" Jack antenna soon and put the Jack "head" unit in my attic to pull in some off the air stations at my house when weather (rain/ snow) causes my Dish Network to quit for a while...