JohnnyB and the Basement of Doom


Well-known member
Could it be that your smaller telephone jack connector on the convertor is a telephone HANDSET plug, which is smaller than the telephone LINE modular plug. Radio Shack should have them.

Phone line plugs are called 4 X 6 connector (4 wires in a 6 wire plug) The hand set connector is a 4 X 4 (4 wires in a 4 wire plug) As Bill said Radio Skack or a good electric supply store should have the parts.


And when I finally got to the storage yard, I find the SB landscaping jerk that parks next to my rig has decided that parking his riding mower and wheel barrow collection under the overhang on my rig again is permitted. I complained previously to the yard management about it. I muscled it out from there (couldn't get the wheels to roll)

Many commercial mowers are "hydro drive" and have a small lever near the bottom rear of the mower.
Usually just a push left or right to engage or disengage the drives.

If it was me - after the 2nd time the mower would be at one end of the lot and what ever else strategically placed elsewhere in the lot.
When he complains have an invoice ready for $10 a day "covered storage".

Of course this may sound a bit much - but then again, in the past I have been ordered to not move the police cars that pull up right behind my engine or truck, or block the front of the building at a fire ..........

Not sure why, but it might have something to do with the first time I "moved" a patrol car a block away and "lost the keys".


Prolifically Gabby Member
The small white door is the access to the vacuum cleaner to change the bags.

I'll check on that handset connector. The line and plug are 4-wire, just the plug and receptacle are narrower than the plugs I could find. What I'll do it cut off the end of the pendant and replace it with a standard connector. Then use the cut off end into the converter, with another standard plug on the cut end. Then unions to join it all. Nothing's ever easy. I'll send a nasty gram to Progressive Dynamics about their short 5 ft. cord being useless. The remote that connects to my Progressive surge suppressor has enough cord to run anywhere you choose.

We've gotten the local cops to stay out of the way. It's the county mounties that think they're deity and outrun their own sirens. Wouldn't be the first time one of them got pushed out of the way at a fire.