July Yellowstone trip info with 3795 Cylone

Hi guys and girls

We are gong to Yellowstone in July 2015 from Minnesta to Yellow stone from the north looking for info on roads to take and weather are truck and camper will fit in a camp site?
I have resurvations at Bridge Bay camp ground, fish creek is booked for 2 years they say !
Has any one stayed there with a bigger rig ? will there be room

2004 GMC duramax 2007 Cyclon 3795 we are 57 ft hooked up bumber to Ladder in Back.
100watt solar panel on roof to charge batt during day 2500 watt inverter no gen from 8pm to 8am

Cyclon Todd
fyi We were told when making the res if you doint fit in the camp site we give you you will be asked to leave. At campsitephotos,com you can look at every camp site in the park, i see several big units in camp site so I hope they give us a big one !
Im bringing a toot tank to haul water to dump station and a fresh water bladder to fill water tank up.
Its a dry camping Idea


Well-known member
I believe their website says the campsite lengths include the total vehicle including the tow vehicle. You may want to check this out. We drove through and there were some rigs as large as ours but we chose to stay just outside of the park in a forest service campground just outside of West Yellowstone. We were able to get electric hookups at this campground. I believe it was Barkers Hole of something close to that name. It is only about three miles from the park entrance.