Past New Mexico Chapter Leader
We just came back from a two week vacation in the Ashland and besides the battery charger breaker having to be reset we had no issues. Even when running three ACs (in Orlando) the unit just ran fine. Now I am at home and I am running on 30 amps (put a 30 amp RV outlet on the side of the house) I am running just one AC to keep the RV from getting to hot inside. When I check the unit when I get home from work the bedroom and back AC panels are dead. The middle AC panel is fine and the is the one AC I am running. Also there is no power to the Fantastic Fan in the bathroom. I check the 12 volt fuse box and the red light is on for position 14. When I replace the fuse the two AC panels come back to life and the fantastic fan starts working again. It has now done this fuse blowing three days in a row. The panels says this fuse is "Back Wall / LP". Seems to be running to Domestic AC panels and the Fantastic Fan and none are running anything but are on. There is no wiring diagram to show me what actually is on that circuit so it is now a mystery. Does anyone have an idea what could be blowing that fuse. Strange that in only started happening when I am on 30 amps and not 50 amps. Also before we go after the 30 amp wiring the EMS system (and my multi-meter) says everything is fine and not sure how that would affect a 12 volt circuit. Any advise would be highly appreciated.