Keyless Entry


Well-known member
The keyless entry on our 2011 Rushmore quit during our recent ski trip and it was too cold to work on it while in Colorado. We have both the keypad and a keyfob. Both the keyfob and keypad quit at the same time. I thought maybe the door contacts were dirty but cleaning didn't help. The contacts had power. That being the case, it seemed the problem would be at the receiver or possibly the solenoid.

Turns out the receiver lost the enrollment of the keypad and keyfob. As part of enrolling the transmitters, there's a dip switch that has to be moved, which erases previously stored enrollments. Apparently that circuit was activated, or the memory in the receiver was corrupted.

Went through the re-enrollment procedure and everything works again. Hopefully it won't happen again.


Well-known member
Might have been related to your other power issues when you had your transfer switch failure, low 12 volt battery voltage can cause havoc on electronics.


Founding Texas-West Chapter Leaders-Retired
Was this the RV lock by Mobile Outfitters, or OEM with the trailer?

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Well-known member
This was the original equipment, with addition of the key fob.

I did not realize you could by a fob for the 2011 OEM keypad/lock.

Dan do you have a part number or link where I could do my research to purchase a fob as well? I have the 2011 OEM wireless key pad with pairing. I have re-paired a new keypad in the past so am familiar with the dip switch procedure.

Thanks in advance.



Well-known member
It's the EA-R02-102 Key Fob. Here's a link to one source. The price from Lippert is $105.50, so this looks like a good deal at $45.67.

After moving the switch, you have to be pretty quick on the enrollment. They give you 6 seconds to key in the keypad combo and lock, followed by the fob lock. Took me a couple of tries.


Well-known member
Mine has never worked. Even got a new pad and after 2 days its in the camper. Never could get it working. I know it had to be me, but for the life of me never did get it to pair up with the receiver. Thinking about buying one of the newer ones and giving it a try.


Active Member
At RVLock, we guarantee that you will be super happy. We will do our best to take great care of you. Let us know how we can help.


Well-known member
You need to come with a trade in program-I bought one last year and it does not function well.
If you have an earlier version of the RVLock and it doesn't work well, why don't you call them and ask how they'd like to remedy the situation.


Well-known member
Dan- I did and they are working on a fix for older units. Should be out soon.

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Founding VA Chap Ldr (Ret)
For what it's worth, I installed a version 3 a year ago and it works like a champ. Hope I didn't just jinx myself!

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Kentucky Chapter Leaders - retired
Anyone heard that the fix is available for older models?
Ours works correctly for five or six times then won't work for the next five or six tries.