Kitchen faucet water flow


Bill & Sallie
Our kitchen sink faucet never has a good flow. It has been cleaned and run without the screen doesn't make any difference. If I pull the line off of the faucet the flow is very strong. Any thoughts? This is on a 2008 3670rl.


Active Member
I have the same problem with our Cyclone 3010, 2010 year. Starting to think its faucet design. Had it replaced due to leaks several months ago, no more leaks but flow not improved.


Well-known member
Inside the aerator there is a orifice metering disk. Remove this disk or drill it out, and your flow should improve.


Well-known member
Just to expand on hoefler's comment. The flow restrictor is inside of the water dispenser ( don't know the proper name for it ). Unscrew the flexible water line and access to the restrictor is gained that way. I had to pop off a plastic fitting and after that all he restrictor stuff came out. I left everything out. Flows great now. The same thing goes for the outside shower, I could spit with more pressure and flow. I drilled that one out.