Landing gear


Went out today to start are camping trip and the landing gear will go down not up? I can hear pump trying to run but nothing happens. Tank is about 3/4 full of fluid how full should it be and what type should I use?


Well-known member
Hi 1stchevy,

You didn't mention what type of system you have, but let me assume the hydraulics pump also operates slide outs.

Two things have to happen to operate the hydraulic jacks or slide outs: 1) the pump has to run and 2) a valve has to open to allow fluid to flow to push/pull the rams/landing gear.

If the slide outs work, both of those things are working for the slide outs. If the landing jacks don't move while the pump works, the valve for the landing gear is not opening. It could be an electrical problem, or a valve problem. The first thing to check would be the switch wiring and the wiring to the valve.


You are right works slides and landing gear if I hook camper up to truck landing gear goes I and out no problem. I was not sure how much fluid was suppose to be in tank and what type to use?


Well-known member
Automatic Transmission Fluid is what's in mine. With everything retracted, I think the level is supposed to be about an inch below the top.

If everything hydraulic works when hooked to the truck, but not when unhooked, you have a run-down battery. Trucks typically supply up to 40 amps at 12V DC. The hydraulics pumps most often use a 50 amp 12V DC mini-circuit breaker.

You might want to take a look at our owner-written 12V Block Diagram and Diagnostic Guide. If the battery is not getting charged, there's a manual-reset mini-circuit-breaker that may have tripped.

We also have a number of Lippert manuals that may be of help.