It's interesting how this site is censored. I guess you either need to be a long time member or some other qualification to have your comments on a thread not deleted or modified.
An upgrade for better quality, hum, i thought that is what we are already paying for when we paid the extra money for the Landmark, at least that is the opinion I got last fall from monitoring all the positive info on HOG. As we are experiencing the only increased quality is the paint job and someone else's bank account.
As for the Amish, we talked at a factory to some after shift, they are just paid for each piece they install, the faster the greater the pay. They also explained to us that most of the sects now are exempt from the rules while at work, just their home life is not allowed to be connected to the world, so a generator, propane heat, are ok, cell phone is still difficult for their leaders. None of the ones we talked with ever talked about workmanship, etc. even some are allowed to collect social assistance if they need it. Very interesting talks, but nothing to do we the issue at hand.
Hunter11, don't mean to give you a bad feeling about your new purchase and hopefully the new GM has had some positive influence at the production level by now.
A suggestion for your delivery, use a floor creeper and go underneath, look at every item from the bottom side as well. Broken brackets, missing screws, unsecured lines, including brake lines if equipped, etc.
Good luck.