Shortest Straw
Caught In A Mosh
Can anyone recommend a mobile repair service in this area?
I did a quick Yelp for Las Vegas and mobile repairs and there are several listed with good ratings. Might try that.
Well then ask the park owners who they have an entry agreement with...
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RV owners, like the ones on this forum, not park owners. This park doesn't recommend anyone due to an unknown liability issue.
Whatever liability might exist, RV Resorts often have park maps with advertising, including mobile RV Servicers. Given the size of the Oasis Resort in Las Vegas, I'd be surprised if they didn't have someone in the resort almost daily.
Jeffs RV truck& auto repair 702-772-4515
I still trust recommendations from the owners here more than anything.
What if they recommend a service that the park will not let in? Sorry but I am not getting the difference between Yelp and a recommendation that can't get in the park. Especially since it seems we do not know what park you are in.
Checking with the park owner and/or other residents is about all that is left.
I was unaware that I shouldn't. Either way you are not helping.
I am simply asking for owner recommendations. I was unaware that I shouldn't. Either way you are not helping. Have a good day.
We did Dan. There was insufficient information on what the OP wanted and when he was given suggestions, rejected them.
I would help greatly for those needing information if the request was clear. Sometimes, I understand, it is difficult to explain what it is he/she needs. We as members need to be able to ask questions to clarify. If we cannot do that then the entire thread becomes worthless and a cluster.
You, even tried to clarify and help and that did not work. It is difficult to give "servicer recommendations" if we have little clue as to what is wanted.