It does the nonvented ones don't work very good and I believe take more water. There was a sticker on the wall where Heartland recommended you drill. I ordered the washer from PPL Motorhome in Houston and all the other stuff on Amazon. That includes the drain pan, chrome vent, and the fasteners that keep it from moving.Very nice! I'll show my wife and I'm sure she will love this.
Question...does that combo unit vent to outside? I have seen the marker on the side wall, indicating where to drill the hole for the vent. Wondering if you did this and how well it worked out? Where did you get the vent cover for the outside?
There isn't really a lot to drilling the wall. It is a sandwich with fiberglass skin outside, styrofoam insulation in the middle, and thin wall board on the inside. There is aluminum studs spaced occasionally so you should probe the area you will be drilling with 1/8 inch bit across the hole saw width to make sure you will not hit one of them.